Ready to Vote on Tuesday? Some Insight and Sites to Help
The moment is upon us! Election Day is this Tuesday, November 8th! But you already knew that by the endless campaign pamphlets you've received in your mailbox and all the political ads that have saturated the newspaper, social media, television, and radio over the last several months. So the question is, what do you plan to do with all the information that has been provided? Will you make your voice heard by casting your ballot, or will you choose to look away? Many people have already gone the route of mailing in their ballots, while others will rely on heading to the polls this Tuesday to vote. "IF" you still want to vote absentee, your ballot would need to make it to your county courthouse by noon tomorrow (Monday, November 7th). Across Montana, candidate seats will be on separate county ballots, along with state positions and initiatives. If you're on board to physically vote on November 8th, you still have time to review and determine what each candidate represents and what each initiative involves by visiting https://www.vote411.org/montana. To find out the physical location of your precinct for voting purposes, visit https://app.mt.gov/voterinfo. Help is also available by checking with your county courthouse for additional concerns or questions.
Maybe you're set to go and already know exactly what candidates and initiatives you will choose. If that is the case, then more power to you! Over the years, a common saying was; you CAN'T complain about the results if you DON'T vote. So, I guess the reverse would be true if you cast your ballot; you CAN complain about the results if you Do vote. Needless to say, heading to the polls is a right that most U.S. Citizens gained upon turning 18 (well, at least since 1920). However, this is not the case for many countries around the world. The fact remains then that voting is an essential privilege in our country, so hopefully, you'll be able to put that privilege to use on November 8th. See you at the polls!
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