Top 2023 Wall Calendar Gift Ideas to Help You Appear Less Lazy
Now, even though WALL CALENDARS are on the "taking the easy way out" list above, there are ways to put these "date trackers" in a category all their own. Wall calendars can become a separate entity once some thought is put into determining the type or style of calendar you plan to give. I mean, for the most part, we know on the surface what our friends and family members like, right? For instance, a puppy calendar might not be the right choice if your cousin loves muscle cars. The same goes for that particular aunt on your list who loves gardening. Likewise, you might want to steer clear of getting her a calendar with snakes on it unless she's a fan of amphibians and has a green thumb at the same time. Basically, go with what you know about your gift recipient's tastes and hobbies. After all, people enjoy when their gifts are catered to their personality. Plus, wall calendars are nice, flat, and easy to add to a box of gifts you already plan to mail. You can even order wall calendars from online sites and have them shipped directly by the seller to friends and family.