Montana is a great state, especially if you're a fan of road trips. With summer almost here, it's a good time to start planning your adventures in the Treasure State. One of the most beautiful highways in Montana is about to open for the summer season. Here's everything you need to know about it.

Welcome to Montana
Montana Department of Transportation

If you follow the Montana Department of Transportation on social media, you have probably seen updates about the Beartooth Highway. Crews have been working hard to clear snow from the road that stretches between Montana and Wyoming.

When Will The Beartooth Highway Open in 2024?

Crews have slowly been making progress preparing the Beartooth Highway for the upcoming season and are nearing the Montana/Wyoming state line. As of Tuesday morning, road crews had reached the "Welcome to Montana" sign along the Beartooth Highway.

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The Beartooth Highway remains closed, but the annual opening date of the Montana side of the pass is scheduled for the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, weather and other factors permitting.

Spring snow storms are common in Montana, and the additional snow can make if difficult for crews to stay on schedule. Weather in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness can change at any time, and snow is possible throughout the entire year. Always plan ahead. Make sure you have everything you need in case you get stranded along the Beartooth Highway.

Beartooth Summit
Jesse James

Driving the Beartooth Highway is an annual tradition for many Montana residents, and thankfully the wait is almost over, For more information about the Beartooth Highway, click here.

25 Pictures of Montana's Most Beautiful Highway

Have you ever driven the most beautiful highway in Montana?

Gallery Credit: Jesse James


Looking for fun things to do on your Montana vacation? Here's a list of the most popular places in the Treasure State.

Gallery Credit: jessejames