Pitting local firefighters against local police officers for a charitable cause, while noble, is really nothing new.  Especially here in the Mining City where this type of thing has been happening for decades, albeit in different forms and with varying results.  Remember the old "Pig Bowl" from the early 2000s?  Someone had the great idea of putting the police against the firefighters, with a handful of CCCS staffers thrown in for good measure, in a full-contact tackle football game.  The results were, well, exactly what you'd expect from a group of some of the most competitive people on the planet.  It got physical is an understatement.  Hell, less violent games were probably being played simultaneously in the yard at MSP in Deer Lodge by people they arrested.  Well, another police vs. firefighters event is coming up and this time they are literally out for blood.

The "Beer, Brats and Badges" Firefighters vs. Law Enforcement Community Blood Drive is set for Friday, July 19th from 10am until 3pm at Butte Brewing Company at 465 E. Galena.  Choose which department you want to win, make your blood donation and then be presented with a coupon good for a pint of beer and a bratwurst the following day.  This blood drive is another function of Shawn Phillips Muffich and the great crew at Vitalant here in Butte.  Scan the QR code above to schedule your appointment or send an email to smuffich@vitalant.org to register or for further information or clarification.  If you can't make this event, please don't let it stop you from donating blood.  Click here to schedule a donation appointment at another time.

5 Montana Towns That Don't Disappoint On The 4th Of July Celebrations

If it seems like it's harder to find genuine 4th of July fireworks displays, rodeos, parades, and celebrations - it's because it is. Several Montana towns, however, keep their Independence Day events on point and will not disappoint.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

Do Not Serve These 8 Foods At Your 4th Of July Cookout

Gallery Credit: Canva

20 Movie Remakes That Got Their Own Sequels

These remakes of hit movies then got their own sequels as well.